an intelligent coloured qr code
Guidance and signage for the visually impaired, the blind and more!
Navilens technology
A code that can be scanned from several metres away in just a fraction of a second! And without the need to zoom in and frame the code.
Navilens QR codes provide information accessible to the visually impaired and blind thanks to the Navilens application downloaded onto the smartphone.
Audio and visual guidance
Audio information available in 37 different languages
INFORMATION ACCESSIBLE TO ALL : multimedia content, sign language, pictograms, etc.
2 applications
The Navilens application is specifically designed for the visually impaired and blind. The information is audible, with a visual display adapted for guidance. It allows users to obtain information in their own language. 33 languages are available.
Navilens GO
The Navilens GO application is universal and designed for everyone. It allows users to obtain information in their own language. 37 languages are available. The Navilens GO application can also be used to broadcast multimedia content in sign language, easy-to-read and understand language, pictograms, content for children, etc.
Areas of application
Cultural locations
Museum, theatre,…
Public transport
Stations, buses, underground stations, trains, airports…
Shops, supermarkets, shopping centres,…
Public buildings
Town halls, sports clubs, hotels, hospitals, schools, …
Product information, user manuals, …
Private buildings
At home, in private companies,…